About Us
The Deep South Shriners Organization was organized under the authority and jurisdiction of the Imperial Council, Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America (A.E.A.O.N.M.S.) and Jurisdiction, Inc. and is subject to the orders of the Imperial Council after such orders are communicated to the Deep South Shriners.
The purpose of forming this organization of southern states Shrine Temples was to provide a forum for addressing the concerns many of the Deputies of the Deserts had addressed individually to the Imperial Council.
The Deep South Shriners Organization strives to:
1. Permit more Nobles to take a functional role in the Imperial Council (especially Nobles belonging Temples in the southern states).
2. Provide the opportunity for larger Temples to help smaller Temples in their programs and overall growth.
3. Provide for greater numbers to represent each other in mass rather than as small groups or as individuals.
4. Make ourselves known as Prince Hall Shriners to the young black future leaders.
5. Meet annually and participate in the host Desert Gala Days celebration.
The Organization is led by the officers which includes:
1. President
2. First Vice President
3. Second Vice President
4. Third Vice President
5. Treasurer
6. Recorder
7. And other officers as the membership may determine from time to time.